Greedy soon to be father

I’m feeling hurt. Maybe I’m too emotional or something I don’t know. I’m 25 weeks pregnant supposed to move in with him when baby arrives. I don’t work. I lost my job a year ago due to sever depression and anxiety. When we found the out I was pregnant he told me to not even think he is going to provide for me money wise only the baby. I get a little money for watching my niece so he said I have to pay my own phone car insurance and personal stuff which I’m completely okay with I have no problem but when I told him I wasn’t going to watch her for three months while I focus on my newborn he said well save up money to pay for your stuff because I’m not. You either pay for your stuff or get everything discounted. When we go to the stores he looks around and buys himself 60-90 dollars worth of clothes almost every other weekend. Not once does he ask me if I would like something. In front of people hell ask me if I want somtbing from the discounts. If I borrow money he throws it in my face that I owe him money and he wants it asap. I don’t want him to show my daughter that money is ever thing in this world.