5W1d and started spot/bleed

Shana • TTC 4 years with hubby 5 miscarriages 3 chemical

So started my first month of clomid 50mg from cycle day 3-7 then positive opk on cycle day 14 BD all threw the fertile week with pre-seed received a positive pregnancy test 10dpo and continued to get strong positive. My RE decided to start me on progesterone supplements and do hcg drawings every few days to make sure they were going up as needed my numbers were 2-22-18=30 progesterone 16 2-25-18=131 progesterone 33 2-28-18=594 progesterone 26 however today at 5weeks 1 day according to this app I started to spot now the spots are coming heavier with cramping and back aching but I been cramping since 9dpo ..... this sounds like an impending miscarriage correct? My boobs are extremely sore still however I’m just wondering if that’s from the progesterone that I’m taking IDK what to think my next hcg drawing is not until Monday and wont have those results until Tuesday early in the morning