It happened, I’m pregnant!!!


My husband and I are healthy and been ttc for 3 months in a natural way, every month I was very anxious to know the results before period date, and always got negative, this last 3rd month I decided to try the ovulation tests and was pretty easy to use it. I’ve been sore breast for over 4 days and yesterday feeling light cramps, so I was sure it was my period and didn’t want to test early again and be disappointed, just wait, when you’re ttc and results are negative it is a really frustrating feeling, feels like every body gets pregnant so easy and we can’t understand why isn’t happening to us. Today I was 2 days late for having my period and decided to test, was so afraid to see a negative result, but for my surprise I really was seeing two lines!!! So girls don’t give up! Keep positive minds and try to balance your emotions, IT DOES HAPPENS! Baby dust to you all!