Vivid dreams before BFP or could I just have random vivid dreams out of random?

So I had a very vivid dream about 2 weeks ago that I magically took a pregnancy test while I was asleep in my dream. I woke up in my dream and looked at the test it was positive. I woke up that day and remembered it like it actually happened.

Than last night I had a very vivid dream. It was that I just found out I was pregnant, so I went to get my nails done for the surprise for my boyfriend. While I was getting my nails done I got a text of a picture from some random number that my boyfriend was with this zombie looking girl. She looked very terrible, like she needed medical care. She was very very skinny. Her body was like craved it. &’ I actually felt my heart in real life just shatter, so I woke up and looked over at my boyfriend. Went back to sleep the dream continued.. I went home and cuddled up to my quilt. I took a picture on Snapchat and sent it to him.. I text him “At least I can pamper myself unlike her.” He texted me back, “You can come get your stuff.” So I drove about 6-7 hours away to pick up my stuff.. She was there an she tried talking to me. I wanted to hit her in the face. Once again I felt my heart in real life just shatter into a billion pieces, I actually started crying.. So around 5:38am I woke up to go pee. I came back to bed, I tried cuddling with him. The dream felt so real.. I couldn’t even actual cuddle with him although I knew I was only dreaming. So I finally fell back to sleep and the dream restarted again from the beginning.