Placenta retainment and hemorrhage after c section


Just wanted to share my story!

I was 2 weeks post op from my emergency c section, with heavy bleeding. Bright red blood, soaking a pad every 1-2 hours for a day or so. Called my OB and they told me to watch it for an hour. Called back because it slowed but I still have pad soaking gushes. They told me to go into L/D.

There they put me in triage, I got an US of my stomach, incision line and an intervaginal. My OB came in (glad he was the doc on call and different surgeon than my c section) and let me know there was still a chunk of placenta inside and it was too big to try to remove with meds so they would have to do a D & C now sooner than later. The nurses commented how weird it was after c section since they manually remove it. I was taken back to the OR and put under anesthesia.

When I woke up I learned they got out the placenta and scab, but I lost over a liter of blood and they were still considering transfusion. I stayed over night, with a foley balloon in my uterus to put pressure and stop bleeding. Didn’t need the transfusion since that was working well! Was discharged in the morning and am doing okay!

So girls, you know your bodies better than anyone and if you feel something is wrong call or go in! Took me a few days and a lot of priding from my SO to get checked. Should’ve listened to my body (and him) sooner!