I’ve waiting my whole life for this! 🙏🤰🏼

Brynn • Mama to one angel baby 😇 Son due July 2019

As long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a mom. I started babysitting at a young age and just loved babies and children and taking care of them. I even went into my career as a social worker because of my love and need to help people and especially children.

Well after almost two years of trying, multiple testing on both of us, no sperm count results twice due to my Hubby taking testosterone shots for years (so he quit them and thankfully got sperm back) and several months of disappointments, we finally got our wish!

On March 1st I was home alone and knew I was 3 days late so I decided to take a pregnancy test. However I’ve been fooled before with a late period and tender breasts so I didn’t think much of it. Well this time, to my wonderful surprise, it was positive! I was in shock! I just couldn’t believe it. So I ran out to Walgreens and got one of the Clearblue expensive tests, drank a ton of water in a short time and took 3 more tests. And yep, I’m pregnant! My Hubby was working late and I was so anxious for him to get home. While at Walgreens I picked up a card as a small idea of telling him knowing I wouldn’t be able to wait longer than after he got home. So after he got settled I gave him the card telling him I just wanted to tell him how much I love him, then I had him go into the bathroom and see the 4 positive pregnancy tests. We hugged and cried with happiness. We had already been meeting with a fertility specialist and done testing but this angel was conceived naturally during the week of Valentine’s Day. My Hubby was tearing up off and on the rest of the night and still does when we talk about certain stuff like telling our family (but we won’t be doing that until week 8-12 because we are a little superstitious and I’m 36 yo). So according to Glow I am about 5 weeks pregnant and I talk to baby everyday and I tell baby to stay put and Mommy and Daddy can’t wait to meet you. My Hubby likes to kiss my tummy when he leaves and comes home from work. I love it so much!

So here’s to all you out there who think it’s not going to happen like I did for so long...it will! I’m showering baby dust to all of you.