Advice/husband issues (long)

My husband is still friends with his ex (they dated in middle school so idk if it counts) I had issues with some of their topics of discussions a few times but nothing big. Recently he told me they were gonna go on a run (she's into nutrition and healthy stuff) I'm not into that at all especially now. So I said that sound fun and asked when and where. He tells me they are going on a trail I've been trying to get him to go to with me and our son and he's never wanted to go. Granted j wanted to just walk and he's a runner. I made a big deal about it but got over it since he's actually be working out. He knew I was upset and said he would go. 
Today I call him 3 times and he didn't answer so I thought he was sleep. He finally called back I asked what he was doing he said nothing. While we're in the bathroom he slips and says something about running. Then comes out and say they went running (not on the trail I wanted to go on). It pissed me off that he lied and said he was doing nothing when I called when in fact he was out with her!!! And I asked him a few times today what he did today we spoke a lot today and txt and never bought it up!! 
He said he went in the morning before his dr. Appt which was at 11:30 then he did errands. I go to take a shower and his sponge is wet so I asked when he took a shower he said after his Drs. I asked why would he shower before the dr since he was sweaty. He goes I wasn't that sweaty... BS!!! It's summer hot as hell out and you ran on a trail. So after I get out he gets in the shower again and says he feels dirty after he pick our son up from school... Wtf!!! I'm not overreacting am I... This doesn't sound right at all!