BFP at 13dpo!


Good morning! I got my BFP at 13dpo!

FRER showed line before 3 minute mark. Negative digital so I broke that sucker open and that’s the blue test and I also took an ovulation test for reference.

I want to share as much as possible since it was very helpful to me during the two week waits to read about other peoples’ experiences.

I had my copper IUD removed 12/23/17 which happened to be around suspected ovulation. I had light bleeding following. We tried right away, but I did not know if I missed ovulation or not. My period was 7 days late because of the disruption to my cycle and I was getting BFN the whole time.

Cycle #2 in January, I pulled out all the stops. I bought a book on gender sway and started reading all about conceiving girls vs. boys and we tried to put into action to conceive a son. We did not have sex until after first positive OPK bc of this. We had sex day of positive OPK twice and day after twice in fertile window. And I think the day after that. We used preseed every time. My breasts felt different, like almost the sensation of letdown. TMI: I never fully dried up after discontinuing nursing in January 2017. I was still getting drops when I squeezed. I could have sworn I was pregnant. Despite all the symptom spotting, I got BFNs (that I still posted hopefully on here) and a confusing 2 day period. AF was almost 7 days long while I was on IUD.

This cycle: We only had sex one time during fertile window. We did not have sex until morning of positive OPK. The days leading up to positive OPK I was sick and had a sinus infection. I started getting EWCM then I got sick and it was delayed for a couple days. I didn’t ovulate until CD15 where previous cycle was CD13. I was put on antibiotics the night before positive OPK.

I am going to come back and edit with some symptoms by day.

CD1-6: I didn’t have any cramping like I had with DD, so I thought I was out. I had a feeling of an unusual calm.

CD6-7: TMI but painful yeast infection which I was more susceptible to because of being on antibiotics. Only 2nd one ever. I read women can be more likely to get yeast infection in pregnancy so I was cautiously hopeful.

CD7: Some slight cramping finally then went to the bathroom and had one drop of blood. It would have been very easy to miss! I had a post with picture on General TTC. I felt lightheaded at work this afternoon and highly affected by caffeine. I was really hopeful from this it was implantation bleeding, but became doubtful again by reading yeast infections can cause spotting.

I started testing at 8dpo.

CD9: Mild cramping


I had a nasty evap with FMU, negative tests, nasty evap on CVS test in evening

CD11: Boobs felt very sore this day, was complaining when I was out with my friend and our kids and started wearing sports bras. I picked a salad instead of burger which was a little unusual. This is the day I can look back at and think I started having food aversions and feeling a little nauseous. She said something while we were eating and I wanted to throw up. I also gagged while cleaning earlier in the day. No noticeable CM (yeast infection treatment made all of that confusing but cleared in a couple days). Joint pain in evening in wrist and ankles.

Started thinking there was a shadow on easy@home. My FRER came in mail in afternoon and was stark white and I cried my eyes out.

CD12: Loss of appetite and desire for coffee and fast food. Start of faint lines! They showed the tiniest bit in time and became more pronounced afterwards.

In time frame:

After time frame:

I tested again after work with less than two hour hold.

In time frame:

After time frame:

Today 13dpo: BFP! Mild cramping.

What I did different this cycle than last: I skipped preseed. I didn’t use internally last month, just on him. I felt like I wanted to try without incase it wasn’t good for my personal pH. I have lots of ewcm at ovulation. I tried to stress a little less. At 5dpo, I started watching YouTube videos of random women testing at whatever dpo I was at. This helped calm some anxiety. I prayed more this time and more seriously while visualizing. I also prayed during the two week wait for my daughter and visualized.

What worked: <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>. I was dedicated to using OPKs at CD10 on. I tracked BBT although not as disciplined as I could have been with time of day or everyday. My BBT was all over the place because I was sick mid-cycle. I also laid down a few minutes after sex (I think I remember the OB saying my cervix was tilted in my first pregnancy.)

Side note: I took trying seriously right away. I’m 29 and my husband is 35. I felt some anxiety we may have trouble because he wasn’t sure he was able to have kids before our daughter was conceived. He had bone cancer in his skull at 19 and was worried the radiation may have affected his fertility. We didn’t conceive our daughter until well past the timeline it is supposed to affect male fertility. I was 26 and he was 32 with conceiving her.

Please let me know if you have anything you are curious about because I found TTC communities and asking questions so helpful.