26 Week Office Selfie 😊


26w3d with my rainbow baby boy. I'm going to be honest, this pregnancy has been a rollercoaster. I had all day sickness that lasted well into my second trimester which landed me in the ER to be pumped with fluids because I was so dehydrated. I got a burst of beautiful energy around 18 weeks that didn't last very long but I greatly enjoyed it. Lately, I've barely had the energy to commute to and from work (it's an hour and 15 minute drive) and be a dutiful wife and mother, which I love being. Don't get me wrong, I prayed for this baby with all my heart, but I keep comparing it to my pregnancy with my first born which was so easy even though I know every pregnancy is different. I do love how active he is. He is always moving and honestly it makes every ache and pain worth it. I finally felt up to making myself look half decent today to get my 26 week selfie in 😊