Help please 😭

Okay let me say first I absolutely love my fiancé. There has definitely been our good times and bad times. Lots of laughs and a few cries here and there.

He has a child from a previous. I have a child from a previous and we have one together.

Well here’s the kicker. My fiancé’s child is extremely mean to me. To the point where his little friend said wow he’s mean to you.

He’s not exactly an angel. My fiancĂ© puts him before all which ok that’s fine but when it comes to the disrespect I don’t know if I can take it anymore. He says well maybe if you stopped telling him to do things he would like you. But!!!! His mom and his dad let him get away with everything. He never has chores, he doesn’t have to clean up after himself and his words are extremely hurtful and my fiancĂ© says oh he’s a kid.

We went on a vacation last weekend with a couple families and one of his friends wanted to play with his toys. He told him he won’t share. I said share with him, when you go to his house he shares with you, and the little friend says yea I always share with you. My fiancé’s son looks up at me laughs in my face and says you seriously think anyone would listen to you?

Well then we get home, I am trying to put my little one down for a nap. I see him walking to the room and I say “ I put him down for a nap I know he’s crying I will handle it thank you” he said why? I said because I’m trying to get him to sleep and I’m his mom. He said that’s cool but I’m his brother and continued to try to walk in.

I went to my fiancĂ© and said I love you but I can’t take it anymore. I have kept my mouth shut for far to long and the times I have said something he says I’m jealous of him, which I am not!!

But I don’t need my children hearing me be talked to so disrespectfully because I teach my kids to respect your elders let alone a woman. He told my son privately “I hate your mom she’s annoying” my son was extremely hurt by the fact that him and I are very close.

Sorry this is long but I really can use some solid advice