Strange clomid cycle HELP!


So I have been taking clomid 100 mg for the past 3 months. The first 2 months I ovulated around day 22 and had my period on day 33. Both months i spotted one day and started my period the next. Like clockwork.

Then this month, when I took my clomid cycle I forgot to take my medicine one night and the dr had me take it first thing the next morning. I had a positive ovulation test on the 22 and the 24. Now it is cycle day 33 and no period and I had a negative pregnancy test. Does anyone know if my cycle should stay the same month to month on clomid? My <a href="">glow app</a> says my period isn't for another 4 days but that doesn't match the past 2 cycles.

Does anybody have any ideas what could be going on? Thanks in advance ladies!!