Late Period. Pregnant?

Hi, so I'm scared that I'm pregnant. Let me tell you why. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex about a week or two ago, and we've done it before. There were no complications. We only have sex without protection when we run out of condoms. (also I'm not on birth control) I got my notification from Glow saying my period was in 2 days, and l couldn't belive it. Normally 6-10 days before my period my breasts start to be sore and uncomfortable. That didn't start happening when I got the 2 day notification. So I'm thinking maybe they won't hurt this time, and the 2 days are up and nothing came. Im low-key sad and scared because if I'm late my breast would hurt, so then I would know it would be coming soon in a few days. Now I'm 4 days late and I've been experiencing lots of egg white discharge. So much that I woke up the other morning feeling like I stated my period, it was that wet. But I didn't. I also was experiencing slight cramping but I do sleep on my stomach so that's probably why. Another thing to add is that my breasts have started to hurt, but I did pierce my nipples (I took them out tho) but its not just my nipples that hurt it's more upper breast and nipples. I'm not sure. I just need advice from people who have been pregnant and or been in my situation. Can I experience symptoms this soon? or am I over thinking this? Please Help ! Thanks:)