Before you judge the pic please read!!!!


Ok, so first off I want to say I will be the 1st admit it's not Ideal to involve your child in the ttc process (at this depth anyways) at such a young age. But, as some mothers do I have a nosey and intelligent little girl who wants a sibling so bad she can't stand it!!!! *NOW FOR HOW SHE GOT INVOLVED* So, she gets in to my night stand a few weeks back, finds the ovulation tests and of course wants to know what they are. So, since she has already seen and read the box I told her that mommy and daddy were wanting to have a baby and these tests will tell mommy if her belly is healthy enough to have a baby. I explained that even if my belly is healthy it doesn't mean God will give us a baby just that if he desides to Mommy will know the baby has a healthy place to grow. (Not as bad as one may think with just looking at the picture huh) so anyways....the sad part (I've got NO positives) so she asks me daily....mommy is your belly healthy yet?! Today she comes in the bathroom as I'm watching the test and this is what she does.....Counting to 300 (to time 5 minutes) at 300 the heartbreak on this baby's face killed me and made me want to rip out my ovaries and stomp them! ugh She looks at me and says in the saddest voice ever..."We're never going to have a baby are we mommy?!" My heart just shattered! Not only do I feel this stress and pain myself but to see it in her...ugh I hate it! For those of you who say it's kinda my fault for letting her know....well she prayed daily before that so I mean the saddness had started well before this! *Feeling down!!!!*