Trying to keep this cute face in mind, but it's just been so hard.


I've been having so many ups and downs, but just seeing her face like this makes me realize it's all worth it. It's just been hard realizing how little prepared I was and how heartbreaking certain things have been. My little princess is a month old today and I can't believe we have made it! I have struggled since my labor with various reasons on why breastfeeding couldn't work, to exclusively pumping, and then having my milk dry out at 3 weeks. Its really taken a toll on me mentally. I think have been dealing with ppd and am going to talk to my doctor during my next visit. I just want to be there for her in every way possible, including being stable. How do you ladies deal with these feelings? I know its not sunshine and rainbows every moment, but what do you do to get through those harder times? On a happier note we did take a Photo shoot in honor of her milestone so enjoy! I just absolutely love how these turned out!. I think I went little over board on the photos though haha ❤❤❤❤