15w1d and losing weight

Minkyboodle • Baby boy born 💙8/13/2018

Okay Ladies I’m a day past 15 weeks and I’ve begun losing weight. All through the first trimester I gained weight rapidly (5’1” and pre-pregnancy I was 123lbs) by 12/13 weeks I had already gained 10lbs as I was constantly hungry. Now, much like many women my weight seems to fluctuate from day to day, but since the end of my 14th week it’s been consistently dropping. This worries me since this is the trimester where a lot of us are to put on more weight since baby is growing so rapidly. This morning I weighed 130 (which is still a tad high according to my weight gain chart. I haven’t been sick or anything, I’m just hoping baby will take what he needs regardless. FTM so everything is scary!