Hpt test strips

Kari • 36🙎🏻‍♀️ & 47🙎🏼‍♂️ /💍 2009 / Together 10years! Stepmom 2009 / Bio 👶🏻2016 / 👼🏻03/2018 👼🏻08/2018 /TTC W/ PCOS

Just a little PSA...

I got a vvvfl on frer at 10dpo with beta hcg levels @ 15miu.. and have tracked my line progression since then. Today is 13dpo and the cheapie dip strips still hardly show anything even though EPT digital shows positive at 12dpo.

Here’s the pics so you can clearly see the brand of cheap strips I used. I wouldn’t buy these again.

GL ladies! Baby dust to all.