PCOS TWW same length?


I was diagnosed and told I'd have fertility trouble when I was 15. 15! just started trying (now 31) and I feel pretty confident that we timed well to ovulation. BBT and CM indicate it's tww time but since my cycle is irregular and luteal length unknown, do I have to wait longer? 31-46 cycle length. ovulation was on CD 21 this time. 5dpo now. With PCOS I know it's a real long shot miracle territory for it to work on the first try but I want to know if it did. right now I've promised myself to wait to test for two weeks. but I just won't know when my period is late because it is always on its own schedule. thoughts? wait longer or test starting at two weeks? I guess the scientific question is... do pcos pregnancies follow the same exact implantation and hcg timeline?