Just need to rant towards my older sisters... Im 16 and 13weeks pregnant and my older sisters are both in their 20s with no kids.. Im young. SO WHAT? STOP telling me to put my baby up for adoption or get an abortion. I have plenty of help and I will never force my baby on anyone. I understand that I have given up my childhood. Just mind your own damn business. My baby is going to be the happiest, most well taken care of baby in the world and you better believe that. Never in a million years would I want someone to get an abortion or just give it to some stranger. My baby is MY BABY. I will be raising him (blood thing said boy). Neither of you two will be raising, babysitting, or even watching him. Dont touch his diapers when he's born, I WILL DO IT, do not touch his bottle, passy, etc. You two "dont want babies yet" because youre "mature and know how to use protection." Well I know how to use protection to I didnt ask my EX-boyfriend to take the condom off without telling me!! When I found out I was scared and sad and you two just made me feel so much worse. I think ur both JEALOUS. that's all.... ****update*** im sry for saying abortion was like Killing ur baby i was just rly mad like one of you pointed out and i didnt think abt that. sorry