Sick of it.

My MIL just called me to ask my husband if he could help his sister move a table and some chairs she just bought at the Kidsignment thing in Marion. Couple reasons I'm not thrilled about him saying yes.

1.) His relationship with his sister has really gone downhill since he and I started dating (we're married now, so it's had quite a bit of time to get bad). She's almost 30, married to a man who treats her terribly, has a not even one year old she can't be bothered to raise (my MIL has her all the time, and makes comments on how her daughter needs to step up as a mother but won't say anything to her face about it), and just found out she's five months pregnant again (luckily this time she's having a boy so she won't resent this child too, told me the first time she got pregnant she really wanted a boy so I think that's a big part of the reason she never has her daughter), incredibly selfish, treats her family so rude, etc. I dislike her very much at this point. If she would pull her head out of her ass, start actually acting like a mother, and quit being so stuck-up, I wouldn't have nearly as much of a problem with her. But I really don't see that happening.

2.) We already had stuff going on today. I'm 26w2d pregnant with our daughter, we have a two year old son together, and we just rescued a puppy. My house is a catastrophe because I have no energy and have been under the weather after just moving past my severe morning sickness. I told him this morning (after I let him sleep in) that I wanted to clean today. Clean out the fridge, sweep, mop, clean our bedroom since there's boxes and clothes and new baby stuff everywhere, pick up our son's room (again), deep spring cleaning stuff. I really can't do this by myself while watching the puppy and our son, not to mention I have some type of head cold going on so I feel like shit and am exhausted. Not to mention, we invited friends over for dinner tonight and I wanted the house clean before they came over.

It sounds selfish, but I hate how he always picks his family over me. I'm curious where her husband is and why he can't be doing this instead. My in-laws are always asking my husband to do stuff like this, and I always get pushed to the back-burner. It's frustrating. He knows how I feel about this too. It's not like they couldn't have found someone else to help, they just know my husband will always stop what he's doing to help.