Im so depressed.....


So dont get me wrong i am 11w along and i prayed for this baby... but ever since being pregnant my s/o and dont get along whatsoever.... i believe hes cheating and im completely devastated... he says hes been out at the casino past two nights got home at 9 am one morning and 5 am the next.... thats hrd to believe. We dnt live together and everytime i call hes busy doing something he never has time to call me or text me. He says im always arguing for no reason but i feel so unattractive n so heavy im tired all the time im nauseous all the time.... and im just completely hating the way this pregnancy got me feeling... i also just lost my job due to me being late cause im always sick 😭😭😭i dnt know what to do im so depressed i only get outta bed to use the bathroom