He started to cry 😭💕

Kellie • First time mommy to a babygirl named Lillie ☺️💕

So I’m currently 37&5 days... I began feeling major cramping yesterday morning and my fiancé and I were sure it’s the start of contractions...

I ended up taking a shower to relax and took a nap but by the time I woke up the cramping was irregular so I was like ehh maybe they were just Braxton Hicks contractions... when I told my fiancé this he started to tear up and said he thought it was time and he’s so upset because he just wants to meet our babygirl already

He cried a little and started rubbing my belly and telling our babygirl how much he loves her and how he really wishes she’d just come on out already

I’ve never seen this man be so emotional.. he’s gonna be such a good daddy 😭😍💕