2nd Miscarriage

Emily 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼

So on Thursday I went to my first ultrasound appointment for my rainbow baby! (Or so I thought)

So I went to my ultrasound thinking I was around 11 weeks. Excepting to see our little peanut but wall that showed up was the endometrial lining. My doctor was a bit puzzled because about 2 weeks before I had my blood drawn and my levels were even higher then when I went to do a make sure I was pregnant in the end of January.

So I went to labs and on Friday she called me with the news... my levels dropped...

I’m puzzled on why I haven’t shown any symptoms of miscarrying. No cramping no bleeding nothing unlike my first pregnancy. The only thing I’ve noticed is that my breasts aren’t as sore as they’ve been and not as firm.

So my doctor said in two weeks if I don’t show any signs of miscarrying to come back so she can do further testing.