Cheaters, and side chicks, and side dudes, oh my!


Okay get ready for a sad story :/

Someone I know (we’ll call him C) has been talking to this girl. We’re going to call her J.

They’ve been flirting and being sweet, all the gooey cute stuff!

BUT! After a MONTH she posts on her Snapchat “so glad he’s my boyfriend, he’s the best!”

.......and it’s a picture of another dude...

She posted it right where C could see it!!!

:/ when he saw it his heart BROKE.

So naturally, he’s my friend, my heart broke for him. So I had a talk with him, duh, what else are besties for?

I told him, “listen I know you like the girl, but it’s best to just not have a big blown up fight, she’s clearly not worth it, just tell her it’s done, and let that be that.”

And he said, “I’ve been so lonely, im considering just being J’s ‘side piece.’ I know it’s not right, but I’m so lonely, and I feel like a loser.”

Y’all... I just felt like this;

But I kept my composure I told ‘em,

“Alright...that’s a decision you have to accept the possible future consequences to...I’m not here to judge you, or anything, just know, if she’s cheating with you, and you know about it, you’re cheating, too. I’ve been the side piece, before, although I didn’t know about it, it broke my heart for me & for HER, when I found out...keep that in mind.

So, I feel bad for everyone on that situation except the girl, J. & I hope I handled the situation well?