So just curious and what you ladies think.

Okay so I was wondering when if the earliest time I can take a pregnancy test.

I am 4 months pp and this month has been the strangest. When I was pregnant before I didn’t have much symptoms the only thing I really had was headaches like severe headaches.

Well this month I’ve been experiencing some headaches little nausea here and there excessive nail growth and my saliva has increased a lot. When I’m sshhing my baby I’m about drooling all over her lol. Gas and constipation and very tired most of the days. But I also have a little baby and she keeps me bizzy so that may have a lot to do with that. And earlier this month on the 6th I had cramping in my back hips and uterus feeling it felt like it may of been gas but then it started to feel like my period was coming but never showed. My period is due the 16th. Thats what I’m thinking at least bc I started last month the 16-21. I had sex 24,25,26,5,6&9

So a little extra info for y’all to give me y’all thoughts. But I herd you couldn’t test till the day of your missed period. But a lot of you have a bit more experience then me. What are my chances and how soon to test! TIA ladies ♥️♥️