Sewol Ferry - Saying goodbye once and for all

On the 16th of next month, April, I will be mourning the death of my first real boyfriend, who lived in Seoul and went to Danwon High School. The distance made everything hard when it came to keeping up with each other, and school kept him so busy that most of our conversations were like phone tag, leaving each other messages for the day. But I will never forget him. He was so excited to go on this field trip with his school, and told me every day leading up to the trip about how he was going to go shopping on Jeju island and how he hadn't been there since he was a kid. After he told me he would update me with pictures that night, I never heard from him again. I loved you, I still do and I will never forget you, Taeho Kim. I can only imagine how brave you were during that horrible disaster. I can only imagine. But you weren't able to tell me about it. You never disobeyed your elders, and it hurts me so bad every year when I read about how they told you to stay put. I dont have any pictures of you because your sweet smile breaks my heart. You were the first boy to make me feel pretty, and now I am engaged to someone who makes me so happy and I know you would approve. Thank you for being my friend, thank you for being such a good person. I am so sorry for what those idiots caused, you were only 15 years old and now you should be turning 19 soon just like me. I'm sorry Taeho.