Collapsed yolk sac


Hello. My name is Marissa and I am currently 6w2d pregnant. I’ve had lots of complications with this pregnancy.

I’ll start from the beginning:

They originally thought it was an ectopic because they couldn’t find anything so they went in laparoscopically and didn’t find anything there either. I’ve been bleeding for about 2 weeks now on and off, sometimes it’s bright red, most of the time it’s brown with clots.

They found a fetal pole and heart beat when I was around 5w5d, they said the baby was measuring small than it should be and that the yolk sac was collapsing and I would possibly be miscarrying.

I went in today for another ultrasound, they said the baby grew but, they couldn’t find a definite heart beat and the yolk sac is definitely collapsing on itself. They also found blood outside the yolk sac and said it was a hemorrhage. The dr isn’t optimistic it will be a viable pregnancy.

I just want to know if anyone has had this before? Did you miscarry?

How long did it take to Miscarry?

I hate asking these questions and I would love to be pregnant but I need answers and me and my husband need closure. TIA