D&C help

So I had a D&C. Dr said it would be best since I was showing no signs of mc on my own, she said I would heal faster, have less pain, little to no bleeding, no tissue that would pass and it would be over all less tramatic. OK great right? I pay to get this done because insurance doesn't cover most of it. Dr says if you experience more bleeding then the day of surgery and day after something is wrong and you need to call same for severe cramping. OK got it. Have a little bit of cramping but I can deal and a little bit of blood day of surgery. Normal. Second day much better just having some light brown spotting and off and on cramps. By the third day I'm having horrible cramps to the point I'm crying and shaking in pain. Nothing I take helps. I call my dr... and get no call back (she loves to do that to me) finally three days later on Friday I get ahold of her. By this time I'm having bad smelling tissue chunks coming out which from what I was told means infection along with the severe pains. She says no that's normal but we will get you pain meds to help, if pain is still bad and yiu start bleeding bright red blood call back... alrighty then. Get my pain meds take them and go get food... while I'm in line I get this crippling pain and feel a gush... blood and lots of it. I'm shaking from the pain getting light headed from the loss of blood and am trying to again get ahold of my dr or really anyone who can help... finally after an hour they say come see the emergency on call dr. I go in he says it seems as if I have the start of an infection but there was no signs of active bleeding so all was good. Put me on more meds for the infection and sent me on my way. Yesterday things seemed good still having slight pain but normal advil pain meds helped and it seemed like the antibiotics were helping. Today... I'm having severe pains again and bleeding even worse! Of course it's Sunday so only have the er I can go to but not sure if it even will pay... one min my dr says it's not normal for me to have these symptoms and signs after a D&C then when I call about these things she changes her mind and says it's normal... Idk what to do! I'm freaking out I'm in alot of pain even with tramadol in me and I'm lightheaded from the loss of blood. Anyone have a D&C who can tell me what's normal and what isn't??? Should I go in to the er or should I wait it out til my check up appointment on Friday(today is sunday)???(learn more on Glow: https://glowing.com)