26 weeks 3 days w/Twins-Girl/Boy ❤️❤️

Melinda • I'm a 29 yr old, & engaged, I had B/G twins born 7/30/15 @ 33 wks. I also have a son 8 & daughter 6 yrs old ❤️
I'm 26 weeks 3 days expecting twins, a girl Isabelle & a boy Gabriel, I also have 2 kids, a girl 6 & a boy & yrs old. We can't wait to meet our 2 new additions to our family!! This pregnancy has been a lot rougher than my others, but with twins that's to be expected. Luckily never had any morning sickness, I didn't with my other pregnancies either. Been working the whole pregnancy, until this week my doctors put me on bed rest due to frequent Braxton hicks that super uncomfortable, severe edema in my ankles & feet, my left foot & calf is so painful. My doctor gave me compression therapy stockings, & said I should wear a pregnancy belt, & am gonna see a prenatal chiropractor. My lower back has been killing me, & the pains in my abdomen, & ribs. I'm trying to rest more, & listen to the doctors, but it's hard between kids, appts, work & errands, & my fiancé helps a lot but also works full time. Starting this week I won't be working until after the babies are born, I'll miss working, but it was getting very hard. The babies are doing good, their monitoring their growth because baby A-girl has a marginal cord insertion. Praying they continue to gain weight good, & are healthy, & praying the aren't born to early!!