My twins came 2 weeks early😲


ok so I am finally ready to share my story. I found out we were expecting(boy/girl) twins at our 17 week ultrasound. being a twin(to a twin brother) myself I knew there was a chance they'd come early. My twin brother and I were born 3 months early. I've gotta say, I was blessed with a pretty healthy pregnancy, only had nausea, pupps rash and bloating at the end(I had to buy shoes 1+1/2 size bigger, due to feet being so swollen(they were creaking on top).

I started having contractions on Valentine's Day, got to hospital at midnight, had babies via c-section at 5:30&5:40am. She was healthy Despina Jean-Adella 6lb 10oz and Nikos Cezar-Anthony 5lb 13oz. The hospital was very impressed with their size, I gained 44lbs, and 3 weeks later, dropped all but 6lbs🤗 I feel lucky we were blessed with healthy pregnancy and babies, and I am only twin in several generations(7 sets of twins) to also have twins. These babies hardly sleep, but I love them so much and wouldn't trade it for the world.

so there's my story. To all you ladies out there trying to get pregnant, I wish you the best of luck.