Opinions on having Tubes Tied

I'm seven months pregnant with my second. I am seriously considering this little form of surgery and I feel as if the other birth controls isn't enough anymore and I'm ready to make the decision of not having anymore kids. Two is enough for me. I've only ever had the depo shot, I liked it. I had no problem with the side effects at all. I know there is mirena, IUD and the pill. My friends have all told me their expierences with the ring, implant. It just doesn't sound interesting to me to go through all that again. I'd rather just snip it in the bud. I know somewhat about the complications of having said tubes tied because of my mom has had it done about 3-4 times throughout 20 years. I just want to know if it's something that's better to have if you want no more kids. Any complications ? How's your period? Is it worth getting done? Just any little detail, advice & expierences you can give me on it is surely appreciated, thanks ☺️