Thoughts About This?


I usually never post on here, but I want y'alls thoughts/opinions on this.

This tweet has recently crossed my TL and has come to my attention. I was recently diagnosed with HSV-2 a few days ago, so the fact that I even have an STD is still very new to me. I have half a mind to make a comment about what this person said, but I don't know if I should, or if I should just let it slide...

Honestly, if I didn't have an STD, I would chuckle at this tweet. "Popular opinion" would be to laugh at and look down on people with STD's, cause they're seen as "dirty" and are just out here having sex with any and everybody and not being safe or whatever...

But now that I'm in a similar situation to literally hundreds of other people, I take offense to this.

How does me having an STD make me any less of a person? How does HSV change my character? How am I any less deserving of things in life that are important to me, like starting a family and potentially starting my own service/outreach program that specializes in offering support to young black girls who have STD's? Because I have an STD that automatically makes me a terrible person? Nah fam. I'd be a terrible person if I went out and killed ya family or something.

I might have HSV, but I am still a whole snack. I am still all that & a bag of chips. I am still a whole 5 course meal. I am still the best thing since sliced bread. My character has not changed. My personality is still the same. I still have my bubbly personality and caring heart. Having HSV just gives me a better platform to use my future psychology degree to help people. What are you doing with your time lol? Talking about things that you don't even cute 😝.