We have been TTC for a while now. I have PCOS and moved to a new city THREE years ago and still have yet to find a doctor to take me on (there’s a shortage of Drs). I feel like no one is willing to help me and get me the right things I need. I’m pretty positive I need Clomid and/or Metformin but I don’t have a doctor to even discuss all this with. My cycles are so irregular and I went a full 4 months without having AF and just recently got it for a full 8 days, the worst 8 days of my life it felt like, cramping and sickness like no tomorrow!! But! I thought there might be a light at the end of the tunnel thinking maybe my body was finally doing what it’s “supposed to” on it’s own! And that maybe it meant I might ovulate. Glow said I was ovulating so I took a few OPKs and only got a faint line, I took it as a possibility and ran with it. Off to BD! Now as I’m waiting for either AF to show her ugly face or a BFP (hopefully that’s the case) I’m finding myself extremely emotional and anxious. My social media is filled with friends announcing their pregnancies or new babies and I want to be happy for them but I just feel this overwhelming rush of emotion which always results in tears. I swear I must check this app 10x a day reading others stories and issues along with things that have helped them reach success. I’ve bought Vitex, OPKs in bulk, countless pregnancy tests, and now thinking about preseed. My poor husband has been so amazing and supportive but I hate burdening him with all this. I just needed to vent and let it out somehow!

If anyone actually took the time to read this: if you have PCOS and successfully got pregnant - any tips or things that worked for you are greatly appreciated.

Baby dust to my fellow ladies feeling the same way 💕