I am hurting 😓

Hey so today my dad asked for me to pay for rent each week even though I’m still in school and don’t have a full time job and 18 I was just wondering if he could do that, and also my dad and my Mum spoke a while ago saying that when I get a full time job I am to pay rent as that was the same for my brothers and sister, I’m hurt because my dad and his girlfriend are planing to talk to me about what they expect of me which is my dads girlfriends doing, my year hasnt been good broke up with my boyfriend a month ago and having my dads girlfriend saying stuff to other people and saying to me that all her friends agree with her that I am lazy, technically saying I’m a bad kid. Which I’m not, I clean sometime I have my off days and I have to catch up on work so I don’t clean as much but I do stuff,