so I have come to a conclusion


this month I'm pretty sure I'm out !! I just took yet another test and it was NEGATIVE.. AF due tomorrow ...which is OK!! the reason being is because ...i have done alot of thinking lately and I have been obsessing over trying to conceive baby #2 ...BUT I haven't been thinking about the beautiful little miracle my husband and I have already . ..! she's 18 months and seriously my miracle baby. see 8 years ago my kidneys failed ...i ended up on dialysis at 25 years old and I thought my life was over . ..i did dialysis for 2 and half years ..and then my amazing brother gave me one of his kidneys !!! I lost both my native kidneys I just have one kidney now, so they told me I may NEVER have children fast forward 4 years later now husband and I and weren't trying bc we weren't married yet we were getting married in 3 months and BAM BAM we found out we were PREGNANT !! I was shocked...long story short I carried a beautiful baby girl to 35w and 4d...and had to have an emergency c section ...she spent 3 weeks in the NICU...but fast forward 18 months ..she is in all ...if I can have one I can carry another just need to wait till our time !! I wish all the ladies trying to conceive and the struggle not give up and keep going..