Get pregnant Now or Later

Jasmine • Mommy to Is’aias 💙🤍💙 👩🏻‍🍼 College Graduate 👩🏻‍🎓 My life is CRAAAZZZYYYY

Hello Ladies,

I’m in a situation that most will not agree with. Hopefully someone on here won’t give me shit and actual helpful advice.

Anyways, I am 19, just married. My husband is 21. He is joining the Marines in May. I am going to go to college to study my undergrad in Psychology. We started talking about babies last week. He said “babe if u want a baby I will give you one, just say it”. Lately I have had baby fever 🤒, so I said “yes I want a baby. But I will take this next week to think more.”

I am torn. I want to wait so we can enjoy each other and travel if we want. Go out if we want.

But I want a family. I want to start early so our first baby can be old enough to do things with us if we do decide to travel or move or anything. Even old enough to be babysat for a night out for us.

My husband on the other hand keeps saying he doesn’t want kids at all. But he gives off a different vibe. He said he might change his mind after we have traveled and he’s fulfilled some of his goals I guess. Which I understand. But he said I can get pregnant if I want to.

Everyone around me is pregnant. Two of his older sisters just had their babies. One other of his older sisters is pregnant about to pop. My cousin just got pregnant. And my aunt (who is like my sister cuz we grew up together and she is one year younger) is pregnant. All my other cousins just had babies.

Idk HELP... I need opinions.