First pregnancy- induction this am!


So I’m waiting for the call to come to hospital and start induction!!

They’re supposed to call between 6-8:30am.. and I’m supposed to have a big breakfast before I go..

They put cervical ripening gel in tonight, just got home at almost midnight.. kinda sucks cuz I wanted to try n be rested when they call us in.. but owell..

And then this am we’ll go in and possibly get the foley balloon to help dialate me (41 weeks and 2 days and still not dialated at all!) then if they need to they’ll insert the pill to soften my cervix, then they start the pitocin.. then break my water if need be..

I’m really afraid.. this is my first child and I’ve heard/read about how quickly and strongly the pitocin kicks the contractions up..

I’m probably going to get the epidural but I will try to see how it goes without it..

Any advice mamas?

Good things to bring to hospital?

We’re bringing comfy blankets, nice pillows, laptop with movies/books on it, our clothes, some baby clothes, a couple pacifiers/baby blankets, phone chargers, slippers, I’m bringing a heating pad for contractions cuz I wasn’t sure if they’d have them or whatever..

Anything I’m missing that u wish you’d brought?

Oh and we’ll be bringing snacks (for him obviously I can’t eat tomorrow cuz of induction)

And any success with pitocin? Good stories plz? I’m terrified..