Immature “girls”

So I’m in my math class, just minding my own trying to get finished with my college classes so I can graduate with my nurse aide and get paid more at work... but anyways

This girl walks in I know her because we was in the same high school graduating class. So was my boyfriend. But we took a break because it was best for us at the time and this girl was like how are you and boyfriend but says his name... I kinda just looked at her because it’s not really any of her concern.. so then she and her sister sat down and I hear her whispering behind my back saying I talked her boyfriend when they broke up and he just stopped talking to me get back with her can you believe it? She’s fat and ugly.. did you know she miscarried his kid too? And he didn’t want to be with me I have 3 kids by 3 different guys so I can clearly have kids and she can’t since she lost theirs. This really got to me because we have been TTC for 3 months no going on 4 since my miscarriage.. why does girls have to be so immature because someone has something they can’t have...