BFP! hoping it's my rainbow


I miscarried at 9 weeks this past December. It was pretty devastatimg so the hubby and I decided to wait 2 full cycles before trying again. The entire ordeal messed up my cycle and my cycles were getting longer and longer. The doctor thought I didn't ovulate this last time based on my blood work, but Glow and Fertility Friend indicated that I may have ovulated late in the cycle. It was dricing me nuts not knowing for sure! Fast forward 2 weeks. The hubby and I have been traveling for the past 10 days. AF was late, but I didn't want to obsess about TTC while on vacation, so I tried to relax. Got back home today and still no AF. since I'm 15 dpo (based on Glow and FF), I decided to take a test and what do you know - BFP! πŸ˜„β€ I'm pretty excited! Hoping this one sticks and I get my rainbow baby!