Why is he doing this?


Sorry this is so long!

I’ve been seeing this guy for a little over a month... I told him I didn’t want a relationship and he has respected that.

Although we are not in a committed relationship, we are pretty much dating. We do couple things (hookup, talk about anything and everything, hang out all the time, have dinner together) we have agreed we won’t see other people. But, we aren’t telling people that we’re seeing each other. VERY CONFUSING... I know lol

I just went back to school recently (I’ve been out bc I had ACL reconstruction surgery) and he has acted weird. We only have one class together so I don’t see him in school very much... BUT,

some days he talks to me a lot in the class period, one day he tried to kiss me but someone walked in (we’re keeping the thing between us on the dL)

Then, today he didn’t talk to me at all. We made eye contact a few times but that was it. We were standing with other people talking and he talked to everyone but me. I want to keep us on the down low but I don’t want him to ignore me at school. I’m probably being dramatic but it bothers me when he doesn’t talk to me. Should I just get over myself or should I say something to him about it?

I want to tell him how it makes me feel but I have no clue how to.