Possible pre eclampsia?

Jessica • Phlebotomist momma 💉 have one precious baby girl 04.2018 & twins on the way 💕

So at 34 weeks I got put on restrictions at my job to have my feet up every 2 hours for 10 mins because I’ve had a lot of fluid retention. This past weekend (now 37 weeks) the swelling in my feet/ankles and hands had gotten dramatically worse and I’ve been having headaches and blurry vision intermittently.

Called the midwife and she said to come in and get checked out. My blood pressure was 130/80 which is kinda high for me I’m normally low, they took a urine sample and drew lab work and called me and said the test results were inconclusive and they wanted me to do a 24 hour urine collection to check for protein.

Has this happened to anyone else? I’m just getting nervous of why I’m doing the 24 urine collection, was something off in the labs? Or is this just precautionary! I’m a first time mom.

Any info would help! Thanks!!