GAS Puppy Story (pictures of puppies 💚)

A year ago today, my dog was very pregnant with beautiful puppies, let me start by saying both parents were health tested, and pedigrees checked before breeding and all puppies went to family friends, but I miss the puppy stage so let me share my story in pictures!!

my beautiful German Shepherd momma

she had 8 healthy puppies, 4 boys 4 girls, and she was incredibly attentive with them and trusted me immediately to handle them and help her through labor,

this is a baby at just 2 weeks 💚 she was our runt and she was so tiny

by now they start to look more like puppies but you can't really tell they're German Shepherds yes

momma always watching her baby

now they looked like German shepherds!

ears starting to move forward so that can go up

momma gently playing with her more feisty puppy

or they would play with each other, the eavestrough was a favorite toy for them to jump around

just a gorgeous photo of this baby

so photogenic, wearing a little shirt from his owner

my last night with my last puppy, she slept on my chest all night and was perfectly behaved 💚.... Now they are all grown up!! pictures of them now to follow;

all happy, healthy and well behaved. I love my animal family 💚