Strange AF.....

So we’ve been trying for baby off and on for a few years now but last year really started monitoring ovulation and period more, it was the serious year. I noticed that every month last year, without fail, my period was always 2-3 days late. Always had a period, but always 2-3 days late. Well 2018 has just decided to be a little different. January it was 3 days early. February she was 6 days late. And now, this month she is 1 day early. I’m happy in the fact that at least it wouldn’t be my first day back to work and starting my period feeling like crap, but I just am kinda irritated with her. Last year very reliable, always knew, 2-3 days late....and now it’s like Russian roulette! I don’t know if it is another sign from God and my body saying soon it will be my turn or what, but I do wish I’d get an answer soon. Guess it’s time to set up an obgyn appt and talk some options over. Really thinking an HSG is one thing that would help but need to have a talk with my doctor first.