Terrified to sleep or even live life


Guys. I haven’t even HAD my baby yet. Im

Still pregnant, but I am having like a full blown panic attack (I actually get them a lot recently) about the possibility that when my baby is born she will die at night from SIDS or something. Like I’m terrified of ever sleeping once she is born. I was trying to figure out how I could manage a schedule with my husband where one of us was awake and had 100% focus on her at all times from the moment she is born before my husband reminded me that it is impossible to have 100% attention 100% of the time... And I can’t sleep ever because if I don’t feel her move for like 10 minuets I start assuming the worst. And I can’t live like this anymore. I have always had some minor anxieties but Iv always been able to find my ways to cope with it and handle it fairly well but ever since I got pregnant it’s becoming a crippling life affecting problem. I freak out and panic and cry if anyone but me is driving at night and the ONLY people I let drive me around during the day is my mom and husband IF we won’t be going over like 40mph... I have to check almost hourly to make sure I’m not like bleeding, I am constantly bombarded with intrusive thoughts about the worst possibilities and worst case scenarios of things that could happen and go wrong. I have horrible vivid nightmares about losing my baby. I am in a constant state of panic and stress and emotionally overwhelmed. My mom doesn’t fully understand or know how to help, she experienced PPD that caused her to be fairly unattached for the first while after I was born because she was terrified of ruining me... but she doesn’t know how to help me deal with this extreme anxiety and attachment/over protectiveness I’m having BEFORE my baby is even born. And my husband is completely at a loss and doesn’t even know where to begin to help me.

Iv had a fairly traumatic pregnancy, started with a subchroionic hemorrhage , continued with Sever hyperemesis that almost killed me and now towards the end I’m dealing with all of this and its just getting worse.

I need some advice and reassurance and some positive thoughts.