Refusing naps

My 4.5 month old is refusing naps, to the point where I SWEAR he forces out a poop so that I have to change him and delay nap time.

This morning I was fighting him for an hour and a half to go down for his nap before I angrily woke up my husband and enlisted his help.

I’ve never felt this angry at my son before. He isn’t trying to annoy me on purpose; he just doesn’t want to sleep, but omg it’s so frustrating.

I love that my husband is around to help, but I feel like his “technique” for getting the baby to go down is too involved, and it creates more problems. Sure. Baby is asleep now, but next time he has to go down, he won’t unless I’m holding one of his arms down and keeping the other arm away from his face for 20 minutes while I’m also singing the abcs backwards.

Does anyone have any sleep tips?
