Please help, opinions :(

I went in for my 8 week ultrasound which was my first appointment. The ultrasound showed a gestational sac measuring 6 weeks 6 days which may have or not have a small egg yolk in it. Basically they told me to prepare for miscarriage but we will do another ultrasound in a 9 days to check progress. I have had no spotting whatsoever. Also, lots of nausea in the past week like 24 hours a day. Anyone had anything similar happen with a positive ending? This is our first baby and we are both wrecks now :(

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Posted at
Ladies! don't loose hope too early, it won't feel any better! I had that happen. Plus I had alternating slight bleeding/spotting for a couple of weeks. Meet my 1 year old❤


Latesha • Mar 22, 2018
Omg 💖💖💖💖💖


Posted at
My last period was sept 19. I went in on nov 15 for what should have been my 8 week scan. They could only see a gestational sac and yolk sac. Had me go for blood work for hcg and it was almost 20,000. They were concerned because I was measuring 5 weeks but my hcg was high. Went back in two weeks and saw the fetal pole and heartbeat. Did the tech tell you this? Or the dr? Because techs aren’t supposed to tell you anything. My dr was upset that the tech even mentioned miscarriage since she wasn’t a dr. Hope everything works out for you too!


Michelle • Mar 21, 2018
Techs aren’t supposed to say too much. They are only trained to use the equipment and measuring the baby. I wouldn’t give them too much credit for their opinions.


Whitney • Mar 21, 2018
The tech just kept asking if I had been bleeding, like over and over and she asked what pregnancy symptoms I had been experiencing :(


Posted at
I am kind of in the same situation. Last Wednesday I went in for my first US. I thought I was I was 8wks and 2 days but I measured 6wks and 2 days. Everything was there but there was no heartbeat. THE TECH TOLD ME I WILL MISCARRY. So of course I'm devastated. This is my first pregnancy. I've had no spotting, cramping or bleeding. None of those things. I went to another Doctor on Thursday for a second opinion and they told me to come back this Friday to check for growth and possible heartbeat. I am a wreck right now. So I'm basically waiting to see if my baby is progressing. I hope things end up being good for you!


Latesha • Mar 27, 2018
Sorry, I’m just seeing this. My baby stopped growing. I’m having a D&C; in the morning 😓


Whitney • Mar 24, 2018
Did you follow up today?


Latesha • Mar 21, 2018
I’m praying everything will be ok for you guys. I know exactly how it feels. The tech should have never said what she said to me.


Posted at
Fingers cross everything will be ok for you. When I was 8 weeks I was spotting but no pain went to Er drs checked me out looked at everything checked my hcg levels said everything was normal and fine did a ultrasound said it was measuring about 6 maybe 7 weeks couldn’t get a heartbeat but probably because it was to early schedule me for another ultrasound in 5 days kept spotting with no pain light duty at work night before my ultrasound I passed a big clot called the hospital the ob nurse on call told me it sounded like a blood clot and I’m fine since no pain and to just come for my ultrasound tomorrow then when I had my ultrasound my baby was gone and the drs just blew it off like nothing said probably just didn’t attach properly and didn’t think I was having one because I had no pain and should of that was almost 2 years ago still no baby for me sadly:( really hope you are ok though!


Posted at
I’m in same boat. Did baby have heartbeat?


Whitney • Mar 21, 2018
The post says they didnt see a baby...