Discomfort “Down Below”


So as if TTC isn’t stressful enough, my lady parts have been feeling a little off the last 4 days. At first I thought maybe it was just hormone changes due to stopping birth control. Yesterday I started taking the AZO Yeast pills because I just had to do SOMETHING about the irritation. It seemed to be helping but a few hours after I would take one, the symptoms would come back. Well I’m not having the cottage cheese like discharge that is common with yeast infections, but I am pretty sure this is one. I got home from work today and was tearing through my medicine cabinet and THANK GOD I found a Diflucan!! 🙌🏼 Anyways, my point of this rant is that now I have to wait to BD until my lady parts are better. So annoying 🙄

I don’t even know how long I’m supposed to wait now to BD? 3 days maybe? Ugh...

Also AF is 6 days late (BFN on the day it was due) so I was already stressed about that. Lord help me.