Girlfriend Problems

I love my girlfriend so so much. We have been together for almost ten months now and I’ve never been happier. Right now we have been going through some issues because she has a friend that she likes.. this friend keeps leading her on and then saying I want nothing to do with her. Not to mention this girl is moving states away in two months. Its really frustrating my girlfriend because she feels like she’s missed a chance or something. That she’s never going to see her again and that’s it. I know that this is a hard time for her... I know that it’s even harder for the girl leaving everything she knows. But honestly I just want to have my girlfriend back. She loves me very much, and I know that with all my heart. Every time something happens I know because I tell my girl to text me if she needs anything or if she wants to talk about anything because I’m here for her. I miss when it was just Us. Any advice?