Problems Sleeping on side

Kelli • 31- Married 💗 - Momma to a sweet girl 💕 Expecting Baby #2 in January 💜

So, 24w3d here, I've been having a lot of issues sleeping on my side, even though pre-pregnancy I was a side sleeper. I've always slept on my left side, but now my hip is killing me and if I fall asleep on it, I wake up every half hour needing to move, and if I try to sleep on my right side, I end up on my back. I've tried going to the chiropractor for my hip, and it helps for a few days, then I'm back to square one. I'm seriously contemplating just sleeping on my back, but getting one of the wedge pillows (see picture below) to keep my torso/head elevated. Has anyone tried it?