Rh Negative.


I am 6 weeks 6 days & Rh negative. In a normal pregnancy without bleeding were supposed to get the Rhogam shot at 28 weeks i believe i dont remember that good lol but if you bleed before you have to get it regardless of the weeks because then your body attacks the baby 😰. So on Monday i had an appointment with my OB which asked if i had any red bleeding because im Rh negative & i told him no he said if i did to let him know & last night i just remembered i had some bleeding before i found out i was pregnant thinking it was my period. Idk what to do, should i wait til this Monday to tell him? should i call? should i be concerned? Please help!

UPDATE: i spoke to my dr today & he is having me get the Rhogam tomorrow, he said he didnt wanna risk it since i have other problems with my pregnancy & also due to my history. I went to get AB screen & Rh Factor bloodwork today so just waiting for tomorrow to get the shot i just never have got it so early!