Period Sex

For people who are in long term relationships, have you ever fought about it? Like have both partners been "I'm game" except one partner is like "wait she is still on her period"... day 1 or 2 or 7 doesn't make a difference. How do you all deal with it? Mostly looking for thoughts between a hetero couple but this could apply to any couple that deals with periods where one person is turned off by period blood (regardless of gender) and maybe blood in general but from a person who doesnt have an extreme reaction from blood ( like fainting from sight of blood or having to look away from a gory movie blood scene). Just trying to understand different perspectives and what other people have tried. Also for those that feel uncomfortable with blood what do you say to your significant other when she is on her period (and thats the reason why sex is off the table) and what do you say when both parties were in the mood?

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